domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010



The Electromagnetic Spectrum is a set of waves ranging from the waves with longer waves such as radio, even those with shorter and Gamma rays, via radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light and X-rays. These waves are not visible to the naked vita is called invisible light

Invisible light

we know that there are wavelengths of light that we do not see.

when light passes through a prism, there are wavelengths longer than the color red. we cannot see them. There are also wavelengths shorter than violet. We cannot see these wavelengths, either. Together all these wavelengths of light, the ones we see and the ones we cannot see, are called the electromagnetic spectrum

Band Wavelength (m) Frequency (Hz) Energy (J)

  • Gamma ray <10 pm> 30.0 EHz> 10.20 -15 J
  • X-ray <10 nm> 30.0 PHz> 10.20 -18 J
  • Extreme Ultraviolet <200 nm> 1.5 PHz> 993.10 -21 J
  • Near UV <380 nm> 789 THz> 523.10 -21 J
  • Visible light <780 nm> 384 THz> 255.10 -21 J
  • Near Infrared <2.5 μm> 120 THz> 79.10 -21 J
  • Infrared half <50 um> 6.00 THz> 4.10 -21 J
  • Far infrared / submillimeter <1 mm> 300 GHz> 200.10 -24 J
  • Microwave <30 cm> 1 GHz> 2.10 -24 J
  • Ultra High Frequency - Radio <1 m> 300 MHz> 19.8 ° 10-26 J
  • Very High Frequency - Radio <10 m> 30 MHz> 19.8 ° 10-28 J
  • Shortwave - Radio <180 m> 1.7 MHz> 11.22 · 10-28 J
  • Wave Media - Radio <650 m> 650 kHz> 42.9 · 10-29 J
  • Long Wave - Radio <10 km> 30 kHz> 19.8 ° 10-30 J
  • Very Low Frequency - Radio> 10 km <30 kHz <19.8 ° 10-30 J

view website to see the electromagnetic spectrum

Radio Waves


Importantly, each type of wave is not only their wavelength, but their frequency and energy and its meaning for humanity as gamma rays used in combating cancer, x-rays have been used for medicine, infrared light to sense the presence of heat, microwave for using communication, among other things.